Language: english
Rigotti G., Farrugia E. S.I., Van Parys M. O.S.B. (ed.) "THE CATHOLIC EAST", Dicastery for the Eastern Churches & Valore Italiano, 2019.
E-book: Kindle Amazon: USD 90,00
ISBN 978-88-97789-71-0 | Pages: 1174
The Catholic East is the fruit of a long and intense effort. It is published by the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches (co-publisher Valore Italiano), the dicastery of the Roman Curia entrusted with supporting the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Catholic East desires to be a tribute to the Churches of the Christian East, Catholic and Orthodox, and to their numerous martyrs and confessors of the faith. In a context of historic upheaval, The Catholic East is a sign of trust in God for the future, and a bold invitation never to lose hope. This work is also a sign of gratitude for the pastors, witnesses of hope, who remained with their flock, despite indescribable suffering and tears. This publication offers an apt occasion to recall a glorious but equally painful past. At the same time, it prompts gratitude for the journey that began with Vatican II: the decrees Orientalium Ecclesiarum and Unitatis Redintegratio (1964), the magisterium of Saint John Paul II in Orientale lumen and Ut unum sint (1995), the Jubilee Year 2000, the apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente of Benedict XVI (2012), and the Jubilee of Mercy promoted by Pope Francis in 2015. It is my sincere hope that The Catholic East, the first English edition appearing forty-five years after the previous Italian edition, contributes to a greater appreciation of the abundant gifts that these Churches offer the universal Church and of the sacrifices that their faithful have made for love of their full communion with the Apostolic See. Their presence, which is a great blessing, calls for more recognition and appreciation.
Leonardo Card. Sandri, 14th October 2019